Only part of the game is physical.
You can train your body to perform the way it needs to for the game, but if you don't have your mental game locked in all that hard work could be for nothing.
Here at Mental Toughness Trainer we've helped thousands of athletes lock in their mental game so they're prepared for anything that happens during competition.
All of our training programs have been created based off of years of experience and proving that these
techniques work.
A complete Mental Toughness training program using Craig Sigl's R.A.C.E Formula.
Help your youth athlete get ahead of the curve by getting a competitive advantage with this
cutting-edge training specifically designed for youth athletes.
Help your youth athlete build unstoppable confidence with this program.
Craig uses his R.A.C.E formula to teach you the 12 methods he's used with hundreds of athletes to
build lasting confidence.
A Mental Toughness Program created specifically for basketball players.
Get ahead of the curve by getting a competitive advantage with this cutting-edge training
specifically designed for youth athletes.
A Mental Toughness program created specifically for baseball and softball players.
Get ahead of the curve by getting a competitive advantage with this cutting-edge training
specifically designed for youth athletes.
The complete Mental Toughness training program for adult athletes using Craig Sigl's R.A.C.E
Tested with over 1,400 athletes, over 10 years, from amateur sports to pro athletes and
Olympians, this program will give you the mental skills to breakthrough the issues holding back
your game.
Do you have your hesitation, worry, doubts, comparing yourself to opponents, tension, nervousness?
It's killing your confidence and ultimately performance!
This program will teach you how to master your fear and dominate your game.
Everything you need to know from the top youth sports expert in the U.S.
Learn how to always say and do the right thing with your youth athlete in every situation.
Taught by Aaron Locks, CEO and Founder of the National Academy of Athletics
Did you know that building confidence can be done by training, practice and proper techique just
like any physical skill?
Craig uses his R.A.C.E formula to teach you the 12 methods he's used with hundreds of athletes to
build lasting confidence.
Give your athlete the tools to be successful in their sport and live a faith-based life.
This includes the Mental Toughness Academy program but also includes training videos that tie
each of the lessons for sports into the basics of the Catholic faith.
Recovering from a sports injury? Afraid to get back in the game?
Our guided imagery system transforms timid, injured athletes to powerhouses in 3 simple steps and cuts healing time by 34% on average.
Get the complete library of training specifically for youth coaches put together by one of the top youth sports coaches Aaron Locks - Founder of the National Academy of Athletics.
His program is a necessity for first time coaches and provides unique, pointed solutions for
veteran coaches.
In 4 hours, transform your team into fearless, focused and determined competitors.
This high-level performance training will transform your teen athletes into self-generated &
sustained confident, focused, determined & resilient athletes and set them up to support each
other on a team so you can focus on skills and strategy.