Check Out This New, Radical Method That Transformed
"Ready To Quit," Fear-Wracked and Zero-Confidence Athletes

A Systematic Process For Eliminating 
Fears & Mental Blocks
 For Teen & Adult Athletes


 âś“  FOCUS

And then comes real game time...

The player comes out of the gate missing the first few shots (or some other choke), beats themselves up mentally, their confidence takes a nose dive and that player you saw dominate in practice completely dissapears.


“You’ve got to believe in yourself.”
“Focus on the process and not the outcome.”
“Keep thinking positive thoughts.”
“Make sure you have good self talk.”

You know all of this and yet, you still have your hesitation, worry, doubts, comparisons to opponents, tension, nervousness.

It is killing your confidence and ultimately performance! 


Because all of that standard old school mental game stuff that is regurgitated from outdated college textbooks does not go anywhere near where YOUR WEAKNESS LIVES - IN YOUR INNER MIND.

You already know this if you have actually tried it out. 

Affirmations and positive thinking are great but they won't even begin to change your subconscious responses.


Your body hesitates, tenses up, shakes, trembles, twitches, tightens up, freezes, gets jerky or simply won’t do what you want it to do…

even though you do it perfectly in practice!


You can be a winning athlete with zero confidence. 

Your problem is NOT LOW CONFIDENCE. 


To Become A Fearless Competitor

When You Finish This Program, You Will Be Like
A Buddhist Monk With All Your Emotions

Playing smooth, powerful, and comfortable like you do in practice.

Compete right at the safe edge of danger (or beyond if you want) while performing in risky sports.

Create an internal harmony that transfers to your coach, team and supporters.

Imagine doing things you’ve always wanted to, in life and sports, but never could…

I have personally been inside the minds of over a thousand athletes, one on one intensively. This is where this program is born.
By the way, in the training, I tell you straight up… don’t believe anything I say. 

And I am saying it right here too. 

Instead, use your own intelligence to judge the merits of what I am saying. 

Check the logic…it is unassailable. 

Feel free to challenge me anyway.

Also I promise you… the number one thing holding you back is NOT your lack of talent. You might even know this already... good... you're in the right place. 



I am so absolutely sure my R.A.C.E. method will turn you into a MENTALLY TOUGH COMPETITOR that I am offering an unconditional, NO-question-asked 60-day money back guarantee.

If for whatever reason R.A.C.E to Advanced Mental Toughness does not satisfy you in any way, simply send us an email any time within a year from your purchase and we will refund you right away!

So, if for any reason you are not happy, you can get your money back within 90 days. Simply contact us. No monkey business. We will always refund our money. Give it a try...


So What If You Don't Take Me Up 
On Becoming Mentally Tough?



What is the appropriate age for this training?

From my experience in working with hundreds of kids worldwide, this would make sense for adults and kids at about the 15/16 year old age range. A mature 13 year old could benefit but a 17 year old may be better off with the Mental Toughness Academy which is designed for kids. If you try one training out and find that it isn't right, then email us and we will transfer you to the right program and apply any investment you've already made as a credit to the new training.

Do I need any special mental skills or knowledge in advance of using this training?

No. It's actually better if you don't have any. I start you off from scratch and assume you are as blocked by fear as my worst cases. 

If you're not that bad, then you will fly through this very quickly and feel fearless within weeks, possibly days.

Is this program offered in DVD and CD?

At this time, no. If you want that, please contact me with that request and if I get enough requests, then I'll put it on DVD and CD.

“Individual results may vary. Quotes are from actual customers and are reflective of their individual experiences. 

Copyright 2019 Craig Sigl
15600 NE 8th St
Suite B-1 #376
Bellevue, WA 98008
Ph: 1-855-LifeSkil

Allow me to introduce myself. 

I am Craig Sigl and I have worked with thousands of athletes worldwide. 

Yes, I have also worked with my share of world-class athletes whom I can not name because of confidentiality agreements.

If that’s what you need to be convinced and nothing else on this page does it for you, then you are not going to pass section 1-RELENTLESS of the R.A.C.E Formula and you can move on as this program is not for you.

Her experienced track coach was completely baffled. 

She was in tears during practice and just about to quit her chosen sport of pole vaulting. 

Everyone thought she had what it takes to go to the Olympics. And then it happened -  A MENTAL BLOCK.
It started with a slight hesitation and a weak attempt.

It got worse and worse until she finally could not even plant the pole down at the end of the runway.

Your game suffers and it’s so subtle, you don’t even feel the difference, but you know you are much better than how you’ve been performing in competition lately.

Your mind races with doubts, comparing yourself to the competition, thoughts of failure, or tries to control or guide you. 

With some performers, the brain goes blank just when you most need to think strategically. 

Mark’s swim coach was baffled as to why his star performer, with more talent than everyone else on the team and a hard worker, was STUCK ON PLATEAU and could not get anywhere near his personal best times from the year before.

Kyle had 2 team records and dominated in practice rounds. 

His coach and all his teammates said he had the purest golf swing and putting stroke they’ve ever seen. 

He COULD NOT PLACE ANY HIGHER than 15th in tournaments.

Melissa, trying to hold on her starting spot on her soccer team by not making mistakes, began playing timidly and getting berated by her coach for not taking the open shot & kept hearing: 


June, a slender basketball forward, could not make herself drive to the hoop or go for contested rebounds in FEAR OF GETTING HURT BY LARGER PLAYERS.

Ashley was overwhelming her opponents in tennis scrimmages and practice, but every time she was up near the end in a tournament, COULD NOT CLOSE OUT THE WIN. 

Athletes and people in general do AMAZING THINGS everyday and everywhere WITH ZERO CONFIDENCE. 

We needed confidence to have success and nothing would ever get done because CONFIDENCE USUALLY COMES AFTER SUCCESS.


Of failure, mistakes & choking

Of success

Of injury or death for dangerous sports

Of losing identity as an athlete or performer

Of disappointing those who support or count on me

Of embarrassment

Of pain

Of being a loser


"I do not belong at this level."

"Who am I to compete with these people?"

"I'm not big/ strong/ fast/ tall/ talented enough."

"I can not play well under bad weather, when away from home or against this opponent."


Overthinking or paralysis by analysis

Destructive spiraling from over-focus on weaknesses

Inability to focus and concentrate

Letting your emotions control you

Not being able to handle criticisms

Overwhelming anger or frustration

Folding under pressure

Craig Sigl
Your Mental Toughness Trainer

âś“  3 Hours of Video Training in 5 modules
âś“  4 Audio Guided Visualizations
âś“  Entire training downloadable
âś“  One-time payment, own it for life
âś“  All future updates/upgrades FREE
âś“  Instant access after purchase, get started training NOW.
âś“  60 Day 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee.

One Time Payment

Get started training now and own it for life.

We guarantee you will become a fearless competitor and  boost your performance this week. 

We guarantee you will perform consistently and at a higher level than you ever have before and enjoy long term benefits.

You have 60 days (money back guarantee) to prove that to yourself.

There is nothing else like this anywhere. Everyone is working hard at their sport, very few will get the competitive edge that you will have from this powerful mental training.

 You are perfect for this program if others with LESS TALENT beat you and you're sick & tired of it...

Countless athletes with less talent beat out more skilled athletes every day in every sport. 

At the adult level of serious competitive sport, the difference is the mental game. Every high-level athlete will tell you that.  
You will find plenty of quotes from high-level athletes talking about “Hard Work” as their secret but I’ve got news for you… everybody puts in hard work in elite athletics these days. 

That’s the baseline, not the exception anymore. But very few athletes put in the "Hard Work" on their mental game. 

This is where you can have an edge!

If you think you are ready, with my help, to become relentless about becoming a Mentally Tough Competitor, then you have what it takes. 

That’s it. 

That’s all you need. 

Take action now and jump on this.  

"Mental Toughness Training is the edge young athletes need to compete in today's sports world. Craig Sigl’s training is life-changing. Athletes can practice all day long, but if they don’t master their emotions they will never realize their potential on the court or field.  I highly recommend this training for up and coming athletes."

"Hi Craig, I just finished reviewing your Mental Toughness Academy training and all I can say is... you nailed it.

I've worked with over 100,000 kids in youth sports and some of the top coaches in pro ball and know something about the mental side of sports, but you take it to the next level. Very well done! I am extremely pleased to be able to help my athletes with your material. We are going to incorporate the training in all of our sports camps."

"In my 29 years of coaching world-class athletes and gold medalists as well as countless high school state champions, I’ve run into numerous coaches and sports mental experts. 

I have never been so impressed as I am with the work you are doing for my athletes."

"I read countless books on Sports Psychology, Mental Toughness, positive thinking, etc. But I never could quite attain the desired outcome I was looking for.
After working with Craig, I landed a job playing in the CFL (Canadian Football League) and had success almost immediately.

This year I was nominated as my team's 'Most Outstanding Special Teams' player, which is no easy task and was a great honor for me personally. I can also tell you I've had more "fun" being an athlete again than I've ever had since I turned Pro - thanks to my newfound mindset. And I have Craig to thank for most of it. "

"Wow! True to your word - no questions asked, no hassle - unusual in this day and age. That is really appreciated and will be remembered. 

And anybody who asks me, I'd tell them the same thing - try it - if it's not for you, or perhaps your time was simply not right (as in my case), don't worry about it. 

The guarantee is the real deal. Thank you."

I've got to ask you...what else are you going to do? 

Work harder? 

No amount of hard work will change the internal programs you have that trigger your chokes. 

Push through? 

I'm sure that's not a new concept for you's it working for you? Read some sports psychology books and pray you find a nugget in there? 

Good luck with that. 

First off, after you read about 3 of them, you will quickly find that they all say the same thing.

Here's the deal. You are aware that we have an obesity problem and addiction problems in Western societies, right? 

Well, if people could read a book to lose weight or stop their addiction, we wouldn't have a problem now would we? 

There are countless books and even a lot of good advice in them...however,

If you don't clear the interference pattern at the subconscious level of the mind, all the advice in the world is useless, and... 

You are going to stay exactly as you are - underperforming.

You know you are better than that because you've played amazingly well for short periods of time. Why can't you do it more often? ...a weak mental game

You have busted your behind to get where you are and it seems impossible for you to break through to the next level, why?

...your inner mind is preprogrammed to stop you. I'm sorry but I have to call you out on another thing as well. If you don't take advantage of this offer, since I've made it completely RISK FREE with a 60-day refund, then really, FEAR is your master and I feel very saddened when I see athletes succumb like this.

Why else would you not jump on this extremely unique, maybe once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you to break through your barriers and be presented with this solution to what's holding you back? 

You are SO CLOSE to your greatness right now... 

You Have Run Into This Program Today For A Reason. .

Do Not Let FEAR stop you here too.

It's too expensive and I can't afford it! 

Yeah, right. If the car you are driving right now broke down and you had to get to school, work or wherever you need to go, you would find the money to fix it, wouldn't you? 

If you were totally convinced a skills tutor would get you to the next level in your sport, you would find the money, wouldn't you?

I don't believe this will work for me! 

How in the world did you come up with that one? You don't even know the details of the process so how is that even possible? 

It would take me pages and pages to go over that here and it's all inside the training anyway. 

So you're just going to have to be just a little bit courageous before you start the training. 

Honestly, that's where I need you in order to get your results.

I'll do this later. It's not a good time for me. I'm too busy! Well then, when is a good time? 

I'm sure you have carved out time to continue to practice and train, right? 

This IS the training you need. 

What you've done so far isn't working and isn't going to work any better than it already has. 

And you probably have time to socialize and maybe even spend time surfing the internet or reading magazines or party or whatever. 

Please with the "too busy" excuse. It's just priorities.

How many more workouts and competitions are you going to WASTE because you aren't maximizing your talent?

One final word...I grew up with a lot of fear. Being an undersized kid and athlete did a number on me and the reason I do this work now is to prevent others from having to go through what I went through. It was not fun being the smallest boy in high school for 3 years. I carried that fear years into adulthood and it created all kinds of havoc in my life until I cleared it. If you don't work with me or my program, I sincerely hope you do something for those destructive mental programs. Everyone has them.

Let's do this,

Craig Sigl
Mental Toughness Trainer

Get started training now and own it for life.

We guarantee you will become a fearless competitor and  boost your performance this week.

 We guarantee you will perform consistently and at a higher level than you ever have before - long term benefits.

You have 60 days ( full money back guarantee ) to prove that to yourself.

There is nothing else like this anywhere. 

Everyone is working hard at their sport, very few will get the competitive edge that you will have from this powerful mental training.

Are there any additional costs, subscriptions, fees in the future for this?

Absolutely NOT. This is a one-time purchase and your credit card information is purged from my system soon after payment clears. You own this program for life.

Can I download and go through the program on my ipad, phone or computer?

Absolutely! The program is inside a password-protected site with all videos and audios downloadable. You can stream or download to all internet-capable devices.

What if I don't understand something or have questions about the training?

This is the hallmark of my 10 years of stellar customer service online. You can comment or ask a question right below any training module in the program. You can reply to any email I ever send you. You can go to my contact form at any time.  

Your questions will be answered so you get the most out of this. 

Her body refused to do it no matter how much willpower she tried to muster to push through her block.
4 sessions and a month later after working with me and my R.A.C.E. METHOD she loses her fears, clears the blocks, finds another level of performance she didn't know existed and wins the 2A WA State Pole Vault Championship!


H.S. Pole Vaulter Blasts Mental Block










That's right! 

If you are not COMPLETELY satisfied for any reason whatsoever, tell us and we will give your money back. 

You have nothing to lose. 

Commit yourself right not to reaching your goal! 

You deserve this chance!

Here's What You'll Get With How To Be A Fearless Competitor's Online Training Today:

Bottom Line? 

Clear the junk, dominate fear and experience this:

$144 USD


Craig Sigl
Your Mental Toughness Trainer


This program is designed for highly motivated varsity-level athletes who have NOT yet made it to the highest levels of sport

Matt Bruback
Former Professional Baseball Player

Aaron Locks
Founder of 

National Academy of Athletics

 Bryan Hoddle
Former U.S. Paralympic Head Coach

 Eddie Johnson
Punter/Kicker CFL


- Mark Clevens, Edmonds, WA




 One Time Payment

After working with thousands of athletes worldwide, scouring every bit of sports psychology and personal development work I could find…and through countless trial and error, I have finally perfected a systematic approach to transforming any athlete or performer into a mentally tough competitor!